Project Description

Advance Group Booking of UM Sports Facilities For UM units
For UM staff who would like to make an advance group booking for sports activities for their respective units, please use the NEW eForm for application:
Note for application:
- To check availability, please contact the OSA.
- Only bookings within the opening hours will be considered.
- All bookings should be made 2 weeks in advance.
- All sports facilities can only be booked for their designated use.
- The venue may be closed by OSA without prior notice if it is not suitable for use.
- To allow more units to be able to book certain sports facilities, for regular booking, each unit may only submit one regular booking at one (type of) sports facility for 2 hours per week.
- All reservation time must start at the beginning of the hour and end at the end of the hour, i.e. 10:00 – 11:00, but not 10:30 – 11:30.
- To maximize the usage of sports facilities, for indoor sports facilities, please avoid booking time of 20:00 – 22:00, but book 19:00 – 21:00 or 21:00 – 23:00.
Note for cancellation:
- For cancellation of approved booking:
• Please email to OSA ( about the cancellation at least 8 days in advance. - For cancellation within 8 days, please provide a justification in your email.
Group Bookings by non-UM units
The below units/organizations may request booking of UM Sports Facilities:
- Government departments
- Non-profit organizations
- Sports associations
- Private sectors
The aforementioned non-UM units may request to hold their sports-related or other types of events or activities. The booking is subject to availability and priority.
- Non-UM unit should submit either an official letter in hard copy to the University or email to Director of OSA — Ms. Grace Chau ( with cc. to SFM Team ( and Ms. Ivy Lio ( to request for sports venue booking. The letter or email should include and not limited to:
- date of use
- time of use
- sports facilities
- purpose of use
- details and scale of planned activity (ies)
- other related information
- The request must be made at least 30 calendar days prior to the day of use. Each application is only permitted to book venues up to 3 months in advance. Special cases are subject to the approval of Director of OSA.
- Director of OSA (DOSA) and/or UM authority will determine base on the feasibility.
- Booking, if accepted, will be informed via reply email or letter.
- Final confirmation of the booking can only be made after the group settled the rental fee for the booking.
For more inquiry, please contact the OSA office at 8822 8664, 8822 4910 or email to
N1 UM Guest House User may use the Swimming Pool; please click here for details
The UM Swimming Pool consists of 10 swimming lanes of 50m long.
The size of the UM Swimming Pool (including side areas) is about 2269.4m2.
The audience seat of the Pool consists of 155 seats.
Please see below for the location of (N8):